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Oh, honey, your mom's handwriting looks just like my granny's, with the same kind of recipe writing copy. Teared up reading that. Much love and healing for you.

I used to get a packaged herb bread mix you added beer to, and can't find it anymore.

I can't even tell you what was in those mixes, but they were good.

Any herbs you would suggest?

@Jenn: I've never added herbs to the recipe. Dill, caraway, thyme, rosemary, or sage are all possibilities. Not sure I'd use all of those in the same recipe. The last three could probably be grouped.

There is something extra special about recipes scrawled on paper. I have a few from my family, but also relish finding hand written recipes in old cookbooks I pick up here & there. If they thought the recipe good enough to take the time to write it down...they must have really liked it.

I would love you guys to try our vegan and gluten free cupcakes. Feel free to email us and we will get some out to you right away. A lot of Ann Arbor people eat gluten free and vegan! Love the web site.

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