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And we were there - outstanding!!!

We are proud to report that the gourmet chef, Carl, is our son-in-law, and we, too, have enjoyed the delicacies brought forth from that outdoor oven!
Lawrence and Elizabeth

Perfect recipe for a family get together.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th7hEvqX7CU Sounds refreshing. Outdoor cooking is something new to me but would like to give a try for sure. Cool pictures. Gonna be first on my "to-do" list.

I'm so jealous. I would love to build one of these ovens in my back yard. In the mean-time, we cook our "wood fired" pizza on a gas BBQ grill, it actually works pretty good. I even add some hickory chips to the bottom of the grill for a little smokiness.

Great article, Thanks for sharing. Nice photos too.

That is freaking awesome. Is there anywhere in Ann Arbor to *buy* wood fired pizza? I've been looking, but haven't found anywhere.

I just found your blog....am always looking for other "ovenies" !! (: The photos are great....and the pizza looks fantastic. Love those figs!

That oven looks awesome. I would love to have one in my yard. Glad to hear you had fun using it.

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