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Depression-era food it may be, but it sure is good...

It looks interesting. How similar is this to polenta?

@ejly: In thinking about this, they actually the same thing. I guess in my mind when I go to a grocery store and pulled off a box of cornmeal and a box of polenta, that the polenta would usually be more coarsely ground and the cornmeal quite fine like floud. That said, I don't see why you couldn't use a coarser grind for mush. The texture would be a bit different. I will amend my instructions. Thank you for asking the question.

I grew up with this, too. We'd have bowls of cornmeal mush (not fried, just hot cereal with milk and brown sugar) on one day, and then the leftovers would be chilled in the loaf pan for slicing and frying the next day. So I always make a little extra, so I can have that steamy bowl the night before.


Bob Evans has mush on the menu.


Only place I know serving it up.

Yes, Bob Evans does but it is so oily tasting, not like homemade!
I grew up with it like kitchen chick! Hot cereal one day, the fried heaven mush the next! Nothing like the hot cereal and toast to dip in it.

I also do a cornmeal mush cooked with milk instead of water. When serving add some blueberries, butter, and maple syrup and you have a bowl of delicious mushy goodness.

Nice dish! I'm getting hungrier as I type this.

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