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Good bread pudding is one of my favorite things, and this one sounds super good!

Wow - what a great idea for packzi leftovers!

That looks yummy, will have to try that recipe.

Instant classic! I can imagine this working out well for cinnamon rolls too - e.g. if you went to the Hilltop in L'Anse and could only eat half of one of their dinner-plate sized sweet rolls.

Amazing. Thank you!

That looks sinfully delicious! *drool*

I made a second batch using the three remaining packzi. I adjustd the liquid a bit, and I added in a few preserved sour cherries that I canned over the summer. Divine!

I forgot to leave some small bits for pressing itno the top, but the top cooked up very nicely all the same.

When I had a bake shop we made about 1500 of these each year. I never though to use them in bread pudding. What a great idea!

"Puczki Leftovers?

I have never heard of such a thing. (smiles)


I made this with some day-old Meijer donuts — don't hate me. It was a huge hit with the family.

YUM! I've never tackled bread pudding. Think I'll give it a go. Your finished product looks so yummy!

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