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Looks delicious! I'll be trying this.

Made this twice before! First time was for a class presentation on the Welsh language (we figured serving food would keep our classmates happy - and that would work in our favor since the prof took classmates' opinions into consideration for the grade). Everyone loved them, esp the prof. Very authentic, he said!

Made it a second time for my friends, who were curious and disappointed I didn't have any left over from class.

Now I have a bit of a craving for them, will have to make them again soon!

They look wonderfully delicious! We must try them!

First time I hear of these welsh teacakes.Thanks for the recipe.

In Wales, they're called Welshcakes!

They're called Welsh Cakes and they're the food equivalent of heroin!

My Father was born in Wales and my Grandmother made these for all the Grandchildren at Christmas. When the cakes are hot sprinkle colored granulated sugar (green and red) on top for holiday snacks. Also add a tsp of vanilla extract. They are wonderful

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