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Dear KC:

For cold dough that's hard to roll out - or any other recalcitrant dough - I recommend the giant maple ball-bearing rolling pins available at Kitchen Port and Downtown Home & Garden. Nothing can stand in their way. Jay and I call ours "The Persuader." It's 18 inches long and a joy to use, as well as a thing of beauty. I've had it forever (since 1971) and it'll be an heirloom. DH&G has a 13-inch one for $33. Yes, it looks too heavy, but once you have one, you'll be spoiled forever. Besides my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer, it's the best thing I bought when I worked at Kitchen Port long ago.
Yours for cookie-baking, Connie

Hi Connie,

These days I use a French-style rolling pin. I had a marble one with ball-bearings, but I found rolling pins with handles and ball-bearings awkward to use; however, I can see how their weight would be advantageous for cold dough.

these look great!

You served these at the meeting last weekend. They were great!

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