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I did enjoy the little bit of frost we found on our lawn! I took pictures before it all melted away into the late summer haze.

This recipe looks great! We visited Paradise Asian Restaurant on our last date in A2 and it was pretty good pho.

That cookbook was probably my first Vietnamese one as well. My husband and I still make the stuffed squid.

And yes, it is strange to have 90 degree weather in October. I'm ready for a chill!

Hi! Thanks for the great post.I've never tried to grow lemongrass here. How wonderful that you can do so here.

Have you seen Andrea Nguyen's book - Into the Vietnamese Kitchen? It's got really authentic recipes with enticing photos, quite a few using lemongrass as well.

Just made this with chicken - awesome!!! As good as it was when I made it with beef! thanks for a great recipe!


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