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That sounds wonderful. Here's my recipe for mujaddara which is similar to but more rice heavy than exotic bakery's...which I agree is the best Syrian food in town.


My family makes Burghul (we call it Bulgoor instead)for most holiday meals. It makes a wonderful pilaf: Brown 1 oz. broken angel hair and 1/4 C. pine nuts into in 5 T. butter. Add 1 C. Bulgur and coat it in the butter. Add 2 C. hot lamb or beef broth, 1/2 t. salt and 1/4 t. fresh pepper.
Cook with lid on for 35 minutes (like rice really). Yummy and nutty~

This looks like it would also be wonderful with ground lamb, mint and yogurt instead of the beef and tomatoes...

Dear Kitchen Chick,

I have been trying to recreate the same dish since eating a heavenly mjadara with bulghur in Beirut about three years ago. You can read about my attempt on here: http://jgs42.livejournal.com/7187.html.

Good luck in your endeavors!

The Chard Tart (another Ann Arbor foodie)

I was going to ask if it was the same as Bulgar...but I think another commenter answered that for me.
Looks cool!


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