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Your post is sending me right to my Chinese cookbooks to look for some version of the fish dish. Szechuan peppercorn definitely is an acquired taste, numbing but not hot. You think you can do without it, but when you try to substitute black pepper, or hot pepper, the dish never tastes the same. Thanks for the restaurant recommendation, too.

The Fuchsia Dunlap book (at right in my cookbook list) has a recipe for the boiled fish. This fish dish combines chiles plus Szechuan peppercorns, so it is both hot and numbing.

Good luck! Let me know how it turns out. It's been on my list to try making a home, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. (I have to order more Szechuan peppercorns first.)

I've never heard of this dish - sounds interesting! But I wonder: just how unattractive is that homely bean curd (3rd menu page)? Pair that with the bland pork noodles, and you have a meal fit for someone with low self-esteem :^)

middle kingdom has the fish dish, and it was above average.

Middle Kingdom is an interesting restaurant. They have a second menu that you have to know to ask for because they generally assume that most non-Chinese will not enjoy the dishes.

I'm so craving Chinese food right now--- but sadly its almost 3am..

Chung King is one of my favorite restaurants in Los Angeles, I was searching Google for their menu and came across your site.

The dish you were looking for with chicken and lots of chiles, which is truly wonderful and spicy, is the first item on the menu, Fried Chicken Cubes w/ HotPot. There really isn't a hotpot, it must be a translation snafu. But next time you're there, you'll know what to order!

The dish you were looking for with chicken and lots of chiles, which is truly wonderful and spicy, is the first item on the menu, Fried Chicken Cubes w/ HotPot. There really isn't a hotpot, it must be a translation snafu. But next time you're there, you'll know what to order!

Oh, awesome! Thank you!

My family likes going to Chung King quite a lot. I think the dish you are talking about is "Cold Chicken with Spicy Sauce"

Does anyone out here know if this place is still good?

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