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did you make the fermented bread?

No, just the "faux" version I mentioned. Real injera requires advance planning to allow for the fermentation time, which I'm not always so great at this advancing planning thing. (It's why I also use a pressure cooker for dried beans instead of soaking them overnight.)

Could you give me the recipe for the cabbage? i'm looking for a good recipe. (I'll buy the book, but I'm wanting to cook it soon).

I love the Gomen from Exotic Ethiopian Cooking (I have the same recipe book for it).... in fact I just spent the morning making it.

If someone wants step by step "American" injera instruction using a sourdough starter, http://www.burakaeyae.blogspot.com/ has it with video too.


The "excessive" amounts of spiced butter/oil are traditional - the oil or fat should be a floating layer on top or making a pool that soaks into the injera. Yum - spicy-buttery leftover fitfit (chopped injera salads)!

I've certainly had flavored butter/oil soaked injera (yum!), but I've never noticed excessive amounts of the butter or oil on the food served at the half dozen or so Ethiopian restaurants I've eaten at across the US and Canada. Perhaps when the kitchen dishes it out to put on the serving platter, some of the extra butter/oil drips off.

I am a big fan of Ethiopian-food. I used to live in North Oakland, where there are a *ton* of Ethiopian restaurants; and my girlfriend had an Ethiopian-American neighbor growing up who helped us with the recipes when we were first learning... Now we have a special weekly night at the cafe I manage... and I just published a short cookbook with only Ethiopian recipes, including a very simple, but good, Injera recipe. The key to getting the flavor right in all Ethiopian cooking, I have found, is in using spice oil or butter; this little step is super super important... otherwise the food just doesn't have that extra special flavor. You have to be really carefull, as with heating all "fats"... they can combust into fire if you drop water into it once it's hot!... but if you're carefull, it's worth the effort. We always use *fresh* oregano and ginger root in the oil, as well as the onion, garlic, basil, and hot pepper... I think that makes a *big* difference. Good luck to all cooking this amazing cuisine.... if you're interested in checking out the cookbook, you can find it at http://www.snowlionz.com Peace!

Hello folks... I have spent hours on the web looking for a recipe for yebek kikil, the wonderful soup full of lamb bones. Can anyone help?

Thank you!

Oops, that was "yebeg kikil."

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