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Mmmm--roast the parsnips. They caramelize really well. My favorite way to eat turnips is lightly pickled (think of those hot pink pickles served with your hummus at most Mid-east restaurants, also I've had some tasty Japanese style turnip pickles). If I didn't already have a vegetable garden, I'd do a CSA--I love the idea of getting a surprise every week!

I belong to Tantre, too! (with a Wednesday pickup) It has been very educational experience, and horizon-expanding. With last week's share, I roasted the baby turnips, and 'glazed' the parsnips using James Peterson's method (and blogged about them!) Both were fabulous, and very simple.

Asparagus to Zucchini has a recipe for a red onions marmalade (p 107) - I made that last summer and it was really great.

Hooray for fellow Tantre bloggers!

Parsnips were always one of my dad's favorite veggies that I disliked 'til I was old enough. His favorite method was to slice them thinly (lengthwise) into flat strips, then saute them with a little butter and salt until they start to caramelize.

They also work well cubed and roasted with other mixed roots, or as an ingredient in pot pies or the like, with kind of a sweet potato quality to them in that case.

Hey! It's great to see someone else talking about CSAs!!! My husband and I joined one this year and are blogging about our experience at www.butterwhat.blogspot.com

Keep up the good work!


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