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Hmmm, is this how they prepare the green beans for the "chicken and green bean" dishes at many Chinese restaurants? I wonder. Sounds tasty either way!

Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian has an Indian green beans recipe you might like - green beans with cumin and fennel, p 202.

Land of Plenty is a fabulous cookbook! I bought my husband a copy for Christmas a few years ago and it's one of the most used cookbooks in my collection.

Have you tried the Mapo Tofu recipe on page 313? It's delish!

Sounds great. I can't believe I actually have all the ingredients at home right now! I'll have to try this.

Tricia: Dry-fried green beans and pork is actually the more famous version of this Szechuan dish. I've seen that chicken and green bean dish at a number of Chinese restaurants, though I've never noticed it to be listed as a Szechuan dish. I'll check out Jaffrey's recipe. I'm always looking for tasty ways to prepare green beans.

Barbara: Ma Po Tofu is one of my favorite dishes. I have tried a number of recipes, including the Land of Plenty one. I'm recalling we liked it, but we usually to make our own home-grown version.

Melissa: let me know how it worked for you.

Mmmmm sounds delicious!

Everything Kitchens

I am not that keen on green beans also but my wife is, however your recipe looks very tasty indeed and I will be trying them for dinner tomorrow.

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