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Mmmm. I love cooked carrots. I can almost taste this dish as I read about it. It sounds like the perfect snack!

Love carrot halwa and yours looks so good...

Many Indian sweets are *very* sweet (e.g. jalebi and gulab jamen). Now, I really really like jalebi and gulab jamen. (That sounds very tasty right now.) But one of the things I really like about this halva is that it isn't super sweet.

This recipe actually makes a rather small batch. The carrots cook down quite a lot. So it's a nice small dessert for four to six people.

Your carrot halwa looks delicious! I find that butter is a more flavorful substitute for ghee than vegetable oil.

Am I remembering right that you can actually make Ghee at home? I seem to remember doing that but it has been years.

I'm thinking "ah, yet another stealth veggie to try on the kids!" ;-)

(hey! Hi btw - J pointed me here from my LJ)

You can make ghee at home, but you can also buy it in big jars at an Indian grocery store. It keeps for a long time, so the jars might make more sense because making it without burning it is tricky.

We buy it in jars.

Nupur, you're absolutely right. Butter is a much better substitute for ghee than vegetable oil -- especially as ghee is made from butter. I think I'll update the recipe to mention butter as a substitute.

Mew, I figure with the cost of butter these days that it's probably more cost effective (and certainly more time efficient, for me at least) to buy ghee than it would be to make my own clarified butter.

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